Rewardyour employees and founding team with liquidity via the Crowdcube marketplace. One-off or periodic, full or partial liquidity. All while remaining in control of your business.
Refreshyour investor base with advice and expertise befitting your next stage of growth.
Return capital and profits to early investors, creating room for new investment.
Retain.Future-proof your team by making employee share incentives meaningful.
Allow one-time or recurring opportunities for share cash-ins to boost morale, motivation and limit team turnover.
Simplify and clean up your cap table and facilitate liquidity before institutional investment or strategic events.
Reduce admin, consolidate holdings, and streamline investor relations with the Crowdcube Nominee.
Engage and build community through share ownership, driving long-term engagement, loyalty and advocacy.
Access 1.2 million registered investors through Crowdcube’s investment marketplace.
Recycle.Support the next generation of entrepreneurs. Facilitate liquidity for your angels and early advocates and help capital get recycled and reinvested into the next cohort of change-making startups.